At Dover Behavioral Health System, we take patient, staff and visitor safety very seriously. These guidelines are subject to change and are not all inclusive. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you.
- No drugs, alcohol or weapons are permitted.
- Please stay at home if you are ill. If you have a communicable disease, you will not be allowed to visit.
- Please arrive 15 minutes before visitation begins
- ALL belongings must be left in your personal vehicle. ONLY bring your keys and Photo ID into the building. Photo ID/Drivers’ license must be presented for identification purposes.
- All visitors must be listed on “visitor list” provided by patient or parent/guardian prior to visitation. Please contact your loved one to ensure you are on their list.
- Up to two (2) adults will be allowed to visit on each visitation day.
- No bags, purses, cell phones, food, vapes/tobacco, etc. All personal belongings must be left in your vehicle and will not be allowed in visitation area.
- No outside food or drinks may be brought into the visitation area. Vending machines will be available for your use.
- Appropriate dress is required. Hats, scarves, bandanas, hoodies or clothing with any holes will not be permitted into the visitation area. Please refrain from wearing provocative clothing such as “short shorts, halter tops or spaghetti strap tank tops and clothing depicting violence, occult, sexual, gang, drug or alcohol or offensive messages.
- Please do not bring additional personal items to patients during visiting hours. If need be, you may bring at any other time. We are open 24/7.
- In compliance with CDC, visitors may be required to wear a medical grade mask during visitation. You will be provided one if needed. Cloth masks are not acceptable.
- Days and times of visitation are unit specific. Please contact your loved one for their visiting hours.