...Caring, Consistent, Collaborative Healthcare…Call 302-741-0140…We offer no-cost assessments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week….Dover Behavioral Health System offers comprehensive behavioral health treatment services to children, adolesc...
...The Staff at Dover Behavioral Health…Dover Behavioral Health System’s diverse, professional staff are all highly trained and educated in various aspects of medical and behavioral health. Our medical staff includes psychiatrists and a well-rou...
...Military Inpatient…We provide behavioral health treatment for active duty, retired, reservists and National Guard members of all branches of the military with acute symptoms in a secure environment with knowledgeable staff. Patients engage in i...
...Military Acute Psychiatric Inpatient…Dover Behavioral Health System offers acute psychiatric inpatient treatment services to military members, veterans and families at our Kent County location in Dover, Delaware. When individuals experience acu...
...Military Outpatient Treatment…Dover Behavioral Health System offers a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) to military members, veterans and dependents at our locations in Dover and Georgetown, Delawar...
...Military Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)…Anyone who needs support in transitioning from inpatient psychiatric care or requires more intensive services than those offered in traditional outpatient therapy will benefit from Dover Behavioral...
...Military Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)…Dover Behavioral Health System is pleased to offer an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for military members, veterans, and military dependents at our locations in Dover and Georgetown, Delaware. The...
...What to Bring to Dover Behavioral Health…What is needed while at the hospital? Patients wear comfortable clothes and are not required to wear hospital gowns. Clothing and other items can be dropped off at the reception desk from 7:00 a.m.– 9:...
...Assessments and Referrals…Dover Behavioral Health’s 24-Hour Assessment Referral Center When mental health and/or substance use disorder issues arise, help is on hand 24 hours a day, seven days a week at Dover Behavioral Health’s admissions...
...Adolescent Acute Psychiatric Inpatient…Dover Behavioral Health System offers inpatient treatment services at our Kent County location in Dover, Delaware. When individuals experience acute behavioral health symptoms and need intensive inpatient...